
Sunday, June 5, 2016

4 2 0 0 . A E S T H E T I C I I

> 9000

This isn't even my final form...

... I have one more for you to fill out before I can sell you this beautiful tank of  propane.

T i m e is a S O C I A L C O N S T R U C T .ogg

Key Technical Features:

Amazingly colorful graphics (looks like a 2D 32-bit game)
Screen-filling bosses (that didn’t look pixilated)
Used Super FX 2 Chip
What Makes The Game Special:

Obviously the power of the new Super FX2 hardware gave Nintendo the opportunity to display all sorts of great visual effects that had never been seen before. In fact, when compared with 32-bit games being released for Sony’s Playstation,

The entire game is also filled with small details and little enhancements that really push it over the top. Hank Hill’s children’s book-like style is very colorful, with sketchy, hand drawn looking effects that pop up and warp in real-time.

4 2 0 . A E S T H E T I C

Glypλdice / EARTH™ ultra気候 ™